
Regent Honeyeater bird

Cultures in humans and animals are maintained through interactions among representatives of the species. Just as children learn to speak from their elders, many young bird species learn to sing the right song by associating with other older members of the same species. It’s important for birds to learn how to sing properly because song helps birds in securing a nesting territory and a partner.

Man smoking a cigarette

If you were given the task of reducing cigarette use, what would you do? Chances are that you would, like most governments, increase the taxes on tobacco and respectively – the cost. But have you ever thought, what the actual effects are? Well, a study called “It’s all we got left” might surprise you with the answer. You probably have a hunch that the price increase will encourage everyone to

Poker player discreetly checking his cards

Poker continues to be the most popular card game on the planet. The thousands of poker tables scattered across North America, Europe, and other places around the world are a testament to this fact. Players who master poker can go on to become not just rich, but famous and highly influential figures in the game. This is why even some of the best players resort to angle shooting or angling.

Calico cat

September 8, 2020 – Nala, an 8-month-old female calico cat was traveling from Bengaluru to Delhi on September 1. Her owner, Aastha Shah, checked in her two cats in separate IATA certified pet carriers. The cats traveled in cargo hold of Air India Airbus A320. After landing at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport baggage handling staff discovered that one of the pet carriers somehow unlatched, and the cat was missing.


Hammurabi was a king of Old Babylonian Empire who reigned from circa 1792 to 1750 BC. Code of Hammurabi is a Babylonian code of law. The laws were inscribed on a stele, a huge boulder over 2 meters tall (7 ft). The stele was made of diorite rock which is quite hard. As a result, we can have an insight into laws of ancient Mesopotamia which are almost 4 thousand

Medicine pills

A placebo is a substance or treatment designed to have no real therapeutic quality. The placebo effect is patient’s perceived belief in treatment’s effectiveness. It has been studied since 18th century, and confirmed by influential 1955 research study titled The Powerful Placebo. Patients can perceive therapeutic outcome of treatment even when they are treated with sugar pills that cannot possibly have real medicinal value.

Clifton's Cafeteria

In 1931 Clifford Clinton founded Clifton’s Cafeteria (named by combining his first and last name “Clifford” and “Clinton”), a chain of restaurants in Los Angeles serving American cuisine like roast beef, meatloaf , brisket, and turkey. Their kitschy interior design featured stuffed animals, fake trees and neon parrots. There is only one surviving branch: Clifton’s Brookdale, opened in 1935.

Airmail navigation concrete arrow

Scattered across American deserts, plains, sometimes fields, sometimes in the middle of nowhere: giant arrows made from concrete. The mysterious arrow signs were kind of forgotten for some time, but recently explorers rekindled their for discovering more and more of the arrows all over the United States.

Mousetrap with a gun

Ever since humans transitioned from hunter-gatherer society to agriculture, they had to learn to overcome food storage issues. Mold, fermentation or pests could destroy one’s grain. Lack of solutions sometimes resulted in famine. Civilization came up with many ideas for fighting rodents considered as pests: house mice, rats and others. Cats were domesticated over 9,000 years ago, and archeological findings suggest that they were used for pest control in Egypt

Diadem spider

Ever since Charles Darwin found spiders inexplicably appearing onboard HMS Beagle in 1832, scientists wondered about mechanisms allowing spiders to travel in the air. Charles Darwin was surprised to find thousands of small red spiders aboard his ship which was 60 miles offshore. “In the evening all the ropes were coated & fringed with Gossamer web,” wrote Darwin in his diary. The tiny arachnids were wingless, as all spiders are.