World News

Grana Padano cheese warehouse

Local agricultural entrepreneur Giacomo Chiapparini was discovered dead after 12-hour rescue operation by emergency services in Romano di Lombardia near Bergamo, Italy. The accident happened in a warehouse storing large wheels of Grana Padano cheese. The warehouse stored 25,000 of large cheese wheels weighing 24-40kg each. The cheese was stored on 15 levels of specially designed shelves as high as 10 meters in a building of 2,000 square meters. The

2023 Turkey earthquake response

On 6 February 2023, two strong earthquakes struck southern and central Turkey. The first earthquake is considered the most powerful one to have ever hit Turkey (comparable with 1939 Erzincan earthquake). Current casualty estimates: 44,400+ dead, 108,000+ injured in Turkey 6,750+ dead, 14,500+ injured in Syria (Updated 27 February 2023, at 10:00 UTC) Selected footage published across social media:

Calico cat

September 8, 2020 – Nala, an 8-month-old female calico cat was traveling from Bengaluru to Delhi on September 1. Her owner, Aastha Shah, checked in her two cats in separate IATA certified pet carriers. The cats traveled in cargo hold of Air India Airbus A320. After landing at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport baggage handling staff discovered that one of the pet carriers somehow unlatched, and the cat was missing.

A pound coin floating in mercury

Mercury is a chemical element. It is a metal, but has peculiar physical properties. It’s one of few metals that is liquid in standard temperature and pressure (imagine normal room temperature conditions). Mercury is commonly known as quicksilver. Other than its cool sounding name (almost like a superhero, Captain Quicksilver), and interesting physical properties, mercury and most of its compounds are toxic. Mercury poisoning can be a result of vapors