
Marie Curie and her daughters Eve and Irene

Irène Curie was born in Paris on September 12, 1897. She was the first daughter of Marie Curie and Pierre Curie, scientists who weren’t well known yet at the time of Irène’s birth. Things have changed quickly in a few years. Wilhelm Roentgen has just recently discovered the X-rays in 1895, but it was not yet understood what caused their existence. After Henri Becquerel discovered that uranium salts emitted rays

Isaac Newton's apple tree

Back in year 1666 Isaac Newton had to return to his family home from Cambridge University. The University had been closed due to the Great Plague of London which had killed estimated 100,000 people. In Woolsthorpe Manor, which was also his birthplace, Sir Isaac Newton performed multiple experiments with light and optics. He also relaxed in the garden, where he observed a falling apple, and started wondering why everything fell